
Green tea has amazing hidden power!!



Epicatechin(EC) 6.4                 


Epigallocatechin(EGC) 19.2              


Epicatechin gallate(ECg) 13.7             


                                                     Epigallocatchin gallate(EGCg) 59.1 エピガロカテキンガレート


緑茶には、カテキンを含むポリフェノールを中心に、ビタミン類、ク ロロフィル、食物繊維等が含まれ、それぞれの成分が様々な有 益効果をもちます。 カテキン フラボノイド ポリフェノール(タンニン) β-カロテン ビタミンC 食物繊維 クロロフィル ビタミンE カフェイン ・抗酸化作用 ・癌予防効果 ・免疫賦活作用 ・抗酸化作用 ・癌予防効果 ・眠気防止 ・疲労回復 ・代謝促進 ・皮膚癌予防 ・便秘防止 ・癌,糖尿病,心疾 患予防効果 ・肝機能改善 ・消臭効果 ・癌予防効果 ・新陳代謝促進 ・美白 ・抗酸化作用 ・癌予防効果 ・免疫賦活作用 ・美白 茶葉に含まれる有用成分とカテキン カテキン フラボノイド ポリフェノール(タンニン) カテキン エピカテキン ガロカテキン エピガロカテキン カテキンガレート エピカテキンガレート ガロカテキンガレート エピガロカテキンガレート (EGCg) 茶葉に含まれる成分のうち、カテキンの1つに分類され るエピロカテキンガレート(EGCg)はとくに高い抗酸化 作用をもち、その他抗高脂血症、抗高血圧、抗ガン、抗糖 尿病、抗ウイルス、抗アレルギー、免疫賦活作用等様々な 健康効果をもちます。肌に対しても抗酸化、美白効果、皮膚癌の予防効果、紫外線防御効果等の効果が強く、全世界 で研究が進められ特に注目されている成分です。





Active ingredients and catechins contained in tea leaves

Green tea contains mainly polyphenols including catechins, vitamins, kuhe rolophyll, and dietary fiber, and each component has various beneficial effects. Catechin Flavonoid Polyphenol (tannin) β-carotene Vitamin C Dietary fiber Chlorophyll Vitamin E Caffeine ・Antioxidant ・Cancer prevention ・Immunostimulator ・Antioxidant ・Cancer prevention ・Drowsiness prevention ・Recovery from fatigue ・Metabolism promotion ・Skin cancer Prevention ・Prevention of constipation ・Prevention of cancer, diabetes, heart disease ・Improvement of liver function ・Deodorant ・Cancer prevention ・Metabolism promotion ・Whitening ・Antioxidant ・Cancer prevention ・Immunostimulatory ・Whitening Ingredients and catechins Catechin Flavonoids Polyphenols (tannins) Catechin Epicatechin Gallocatechin Epigallocatechin Catechin gallate Epicatechin gallate Gallocatechin gallate Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) Among the components contained in tea leaves, epilocatechin is classified as one of the catechins. Gallate (EGCg) has a particularly high antioxidant effect, and has various other health effects such as antihyperlipidemia, antihypertension, anticancer, antidiabetes, antiviral, antiallergic, and immunostimulatory effects. It has strong effects on the skin, such as antioxidant, whitening effect, skin cancer prevention effect, and UV protection effect, and it is an ingredient that has been researched all over the world and is particularly attracting attention.












Catechin belongs to the class of flavonoids in polyphenols, especially flavanols. Green tea contains about four types of catechins: epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin gallate. Among them, epigallocatechin gallate is the most abundant, accounting for 50-60% of the catechins contained.


Among catechins, epigallocatechin gallate has a wide range of physiological activities, including antioxidant activity.

In addition to antiviral effects, catechins contained in tea have been demonstrated to have antibacterial and antitoxin (detoxification) effects.

Tea catechin destroys the cell membranes and walls of many pathogenic bacteria and kills them with the same action as antibiotics.

Tea catechins instantly bind to many toxins produced by pathogenic bacteria, detoxify them, and act like anti-toxin antibodies.

Among the tea catechins, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) is a powerful catechin and plays a major role in this action.

The high-concentration catechin water-soluble formulation technology developed by our company, which has excellent storage stability, is based on this epigallocatechin gallate, so it is expected to be more effective than general catechins.