
HPG's Approach to the Near Future


We aim to build a sustainable socio-economic system that addresses issues such as responding to the environment and super-aging society, and to create a city that continues to create new value that is safe and secure, and to improve the quality of people's lives, and introduce some of them.

5つの大きな課題  SUBJECTS

住居・単身住い  Subject:Housing/Living alone


■一人暮らしの高齢者が病院へ通院するのは難しい など


■Not all dwellings are buildings tailored to the super-aging society   

                                       ■It is difficult for elderly people living alone to go to the hospital.


移動(車両)・環境  Subject : Transportation/Environment




■部屋から車までに移動が困難 など


                                       ■Environmental issues  

                                       ■It is difficult for elderly people to drive alone  

                                       ■Wheelchair users, etc. do not have a caregiver and difficult  

                                                      ■Difficulty moving from room to car, etc.

医療・介護 Subject : Medical/Nursing care



■受付・診察に長時間待たされる など


■Emergency vehicle arrangements  

■A caregiver is often required  

■I was forced to wait for a long time for reception and medical  examination

移動(道路)・環境   Subject : Roadway/Environment





■Accidents caused by driving due to aging  

■Environmental issues  

■Road issues such as traffic jams and traffic accidents